Uncle Taro

Soon after I was born in 1944, my mother, Toki Hirasaki, got dreadfully ill and almost died. My father, grandfather and grandmother had to manage Henry, George, John & me; Hana was sent temporarily to the Nagai family. Uncle Taro would get in after work, make up bottles of Pet milk formula and feed me. Later on when I was around 1 year old, he would take me to visit friends in Orange.
We nephews & nieces were treated as if we were his own children. We fondly remember the trip to San Jacinto Monument, Battleship Texas and Galveston Island. My brothers experienced raw oysters for the first time!! On my 12th birthday, Uncle Taro treated me to a horseback ride at Tyrrell Park and dinner at a Chinese Restaurant afterwards.
Aunt Liz
April 26, 1957, was the wedding day for Taro and Elizabeth Carter at the Saint Andrews Methodist Church in Vidor. Rev. Francis Fisher officiated, my brother Henry was Best Man, my mother was Matron of Honor, and Mrs. Fisher, my little sister Frances, and I were the witnesses and congregation. The newly married couple decided to live in Beaumont. Aunt Liz was an excellent cook, which attributed to Taro's good health through the years. Hana, Frances, and I would each spend a week during summer vacation at their house.
Text from a presentation by Ida Hirasaki Bush to the Methodist Church in Vidor.