Family Welfare
March 29, 1931
Nagai-san, Saito-san, and Furuta-san, and all the rest of us too are well and working with pleasure and at our best. Cotton is half planted. We had severe frost again several days ago, but no material damage can be seen except about a ton of cabbage is bad in appearance, and may not be good to sell.
September 16, 1931
At home, we wonder how you are getting along. We hear from Furuta-san that his mother wrote that you came several times to their house. We believe that she knows and feeds you your favorite “tofu” and “tara-no-ko”.
September 22, 1931
Fusa Nagai is freshman at South Park College.
October 15, 1931
Everyone is well, and for you we wish equally as good health. It made a big difference to mother to have your letter. I think silence worries a person even more than if it were bad news.
October 29, 1931
Father, we hope that it is not due to bad health that we have not heard reply from you on our several cables for the last few times. We at home, mother, sister and I are in good health. So is Nagai-san and family, also the H. Kishi family. Saito-san says he is bothered with the nerves, but physically he is well he tells me.
January 17, 1932
At home, we are fortunately in fine health, except for Furuta-san. However, Furuta-san is much better. All other families are strong and healthy. The children are all in school though there was an epidemic of sickness was rumored at Beaumont once.
Kan-ji Nagai is going to Orangefield school, and it is thought by some of us that the school will close from lack of funds to operate. There is nothing decided about it yet, and may be an alarm that will be needless for several months yet.
February 2, 1932
Mother will enclose a letter here though, she says, she has nothing of business importance to write. To give you an idea of the newspaper importance the U.S. is taking in the Manchurian and Sanghai situation, mother is sending under another cover some front pages of local newspapers. Though the papers seem to raise a great deal of fuss, I do not think that trouble will arise to amount to anything between America and Japan.
March 28, 1932
H. Kishi family is practically all down again with the flu. All the rest are well, that is, the Nagai family and others.