Tiffany Heng-Hui Lee is a Taiwanese-American artist and interior designer. Born and raised in Taipei, Taiwan, Tiffany immigrated to the US at 18 years old with her two younger siblings and attended school at the University of Houston, where she developed her interest in interior design and art. Upon receiving her BFA and MFA in interior design, Tiffany has worked for various companies such as Planning Design Research, Ziegler Cooper Architects, Hawicz and Stait Incorporation, and Inventure Design. Since 2016, she has started working at her own start up, HH Design Studio, and works from her home/studio in Sugar Land. In addition to her career in interior design, her art has also been showcased at the Jung Center Houston, Art Museum TX, and the Women Made Gallery in Chicago, among other galleries across the country and globe. In this interview, Tiffany discusses her experiences growing up in Taiwan, such as the education system and her family traditions and values, her mentors in art, how she came to choose interior design, her experience in raising siblings alone while attending college, her experience with culture shock, her approaches in working with clients of different fields, her passion for sustainability and nature preservation inside and outside of her work, her family, her community involvement, and her hopes for the Chinese-American community in Houston.