Film Premiere: 17th Houston AAPI Film Festival (HAAPIFEST)

Film Premiere at the 17th Houston AAPI Film Festival (HAAPIFEST)

We are happy to announce that two short films created by Leah Ogawa "To Be Visible" and "Love Letter to Houston", produced by HAAA and inspired by its oral history interviews and podcasts, have been chosen and will premiere on the 17th Houston AAPI Film Festival (HAAPIFEST). Its organizer, OCA Greater Houston, will be hosting this year's festival entirely virtual from Jun 3-13, 2021.

"Love Letter to Houston"

Premiered at 6pm CST on June 9, 2021 followed by a director Q&A

"To Be Visible"

Premiered at 6 pm CST on June 12, 2021 followed by a director Q&A