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Nathaniel Hill was born in Houston, Texas. Growing up, he attended Parker Elementary School, which had a “robust music program” that allowed him to further amass his experiences with the piano as a classically trained musician. In middle school, he would go on to join the Church Choir at St. Thomas, which sparked his initial journey with singing. In high school, Nathaniel would dive deeper into more alternative music, and he credits self-teaching himself how to play the guitar as a main force in allowing him to discover more “alternative forms of music.” He would eventually join a rock band by the name Fugue and would regularly perform in various venues, including Fitzgerald’s top floor, through high school and college. Nathaniel’s experiences are diverse. In college, he worked as a DJ, sound engineer, and emcee to fund his education. His undergraduate education focused on English literature and religious studies, and he was also interested in political science and journalism. After college, he would attend law school for some time, but eventually decided to shift to teaching. Today, Nathaniel pursues his mosaic art practice, teaches language arts, and records music under his indie label Scorch One Records. In this interview, Nathaniel Hill talks about his early musical/non-musical experiences, his journey with music throughout his life (from classical to alternative), his education, and his current endeavors in teaching, art, and music.